
For over 70 years, Yong In University has been nurturing genuine leaders of talent and strong character.

Department of Physical Therapy

YIU’s Department of Physical Therapy cultivates more specialized and global physical therapists to adapt to changes in domestic and global fields of medicine that are becoming more segmentalized and specialized. The department trains students in each specialized division of physical therapy including Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Neurological Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy for Pain Release, and Sports Physical Therapy. Graduates can pursue careers at general and regular hospitals, rehabilitation centers, research institutes, elderly homes, industrial health management centers, academic institutions, and as medical trainers of sports clubs, among others.



Course Name
Introduction of Physical Therapy Medical Terminology
Anatomy and Practical Applications -
Course Name
Sports Biochemistry and Laboratory Physiology and Practice
Kinesiology Understanding of Children with Special Needs
Course Name
Electrotherapy Orthosis-Prosthetics and Practical Application
Therapeutic Exercise & Lab Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice
Neurologic Physical Therapy Lab Musculoskeletal System Intervention
Musculoskeletal Examination & Assessment Dermatological Physical Therapy and Practical Application
Course Name
Electrotherapy Basic Clinical Practice
Orthosis-Prosthetics and Practical Application Therapeutic Exercise & Lab
Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice Neurologic Physical Therapy Lab
Musculoskeletal System Intervention Musculoskeletal Examination & Assessment
Dermatological Physical Therapy and Practical Application -


Kim, Jung-Hwan Chang, Woo-Nam