
For over 70 years, Yong In University has been nurturing genuine leaders of talent and strong character.

Department of Applied Music

The YIU Department of Applied Music aims to nurture artists who will be at the forefront in this age of globalization as creative talents communicating with the world through music, by acquiring knowledge and experience in various fields of popular music. The department does so by offering rigorous creative professional training and learning experiences. Graduates armed with music theory and practice can grow into professional musicians, singers, music directors, and more.



Course Name
Basic Ear Training Basic Harmony
Private Lesson 1 Basic Midi Skill
Basic ensemble practice Basic vocalization research
Course Name
Basic vocal ensemble Private Lesson 3
Basic Keyboard Reading & Comping 1
Ensemble 1 Advanced Harmony
Basic computer music study -
Course Name
Recording Session Ensemble Basic media contents seminar
Ensemble 3 Private Lesson 5
Ensemble 5 Theory of music education
Course Name
Recording Session Ensemble Basic media contents seminar
Ensemble 3 Ensemble 5
Private Lesson 7 Theory of music education


Jang Jiwon Hwang, Ji-sun
Jeawon Youn -